Physio R&D - OPTIMOV
Physio R&D is the research entity of the company OPTIMOV.
Optimov is dedicated to optimizing health and holistic health care through an innovative approach. It includes online treatments for physical health and general well-being, as well as specialized tele-rehabilitation programs for chronic diseases such as COPD and CVD.
Optimov has implemented an online physiotherapy platform for preventive tele-rehabilitation that can be used anywhere, anytime.
The aim is to help people stay active and motivated, to encourage them following their rehabilitation programme over the time and reduce exacerbations thanks to quality exercises.
Through its research entity Physio R&D, Optimov designs intuitive and easy-to-use tools that provide exercises that meet the needs of different users, patients recovering from hospital shock or athletes.
The application VAPA on which we collaborate presents a virtual therapist who shows how to perform the exercises in the most optimal way. A biometric sensor monitors the heart rate during the exercise. Augmented reality goggles provide the freedom of movement to perform the exercises.