The web and mobile applications we develop are secure and respectful of privacy.
GDPR for our mobile applications
They all have an explicit information tab to explain how they work and use user data.
Each feature requiring personal data, geolocation, photo capture, form is preceded by an information bubble to warn the user and obtain his consent. Consent is clearly indicated by the user, no boxes are pre-ticked.
We do not use a third party sdk to retrieve geolocation data in order to keep this use only within the framework of the application.
In the case of photo shooting, access to the user's camera is only used for a specific purpose within the application and authorized by the user.
GDPR for our websites
- The transfer of all user data used by the websites is possible for any user who requests it and this automatically. We thus make the data accessible to the person to whom it belongs.
- The anonymisation of data at the request of the user is also possible on all our web platforms automatically at the request of our users.
Our new rights :
During an attack on our servers or applications, we have the right to inform the CNIL, which may be able to carry out a check.
Your new rights :
You may at any time contact us about the processing of your data via our applications and websites by writing to :